(Above images all by Tim Walker)
Tim Walker has been a long time favourite fashion photographer of mine as well as just a generally inspiring person to me. He not only captures amazing photographs in technical terms, but he's ability to completely captivate and draw the viewer into the picture itself through creating an almost separate dimension or world will always hold me in absolute awe.
Another photographer, Rus Anson, that I stumbled across more recently has managed to grab my attention in the same kind of way. Whilst the aesthetic qualities of the photographers works have many differences, they both bring a quirky magic into their photographs and manage to tell a story within just one image. Both also tend to use objects that whilst found very much in our everyday lives, are used so out of context and has you questioning "why not?" and in a way almost question our very reality and thus what can then become reality. I love that both photographers not only can get the viewer to question this about the out of place objects but to even make them so fashionable.
(Above group of Images all by Rus Anson)
A whole lot more of Rus Anson that I couldn't show here due to Copyright protection over at: http://www.rusanson.com/fashion
and for more Tim Walker and his Bio:
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Darling, you're the cat's meow.